首页> 外文OA文献 >Pengaruh Kontaminasi Logam Berat Di Sedimen Pada Komunitas Makrozoobentos Di Beberapa Situ Dan Waduk Di Jawa Barat (Effect of Heavy Metals Contamination in Sediments on the Macrozoobenthos Community in Some Small Lakes and Reservoirs)

Pengaruh Kontaminasi Logam Berat Di Sedimen Pada Komunitas Makrozoobentos Di Beberapa Situ Dan Waduk Di Jawa Barat (Effect of Heavy Metals Contamination in Sediments on the Macrozoobenthos Community in Some Small Lakes and Reservoirs)



Presence of heavy metals in aquatic ecosystems have been reported to cause problems in aquatic organisms. One of the aquatic organisms that have risk for exposure by heavy metals from sediments is macrozoobenthos. This paper aims to describe the influence of heavy metal contamination in sediments to the structure of macrozoobenthos communities in lentic ecosystem (small lakes and reservoirs). This study was conducted in June 2009 to September 2011 in some small lakes and reservoirs which are in West Java and Jakarta provinces. Macrozoobenthos samples were collected by using Ekman grab. The results showed that there is a low correlation index with a high diversity of macrozoobenthos contamination by arsenic. The contribution of Pb and Cd in giving effect to diversity index is relatively small. The existence of macrozoobenthos Coleoptera (Simsonia sp.), Leeches (Placobdella sp.), Chironomid larvae (Ablabesmyia sp.), and (Tanytarsus sp.) relatively tolerant to high contamination arsenic in sediment, and low pH and temperature. The use of diversity index in this study was relatively sensitive to reflect the disruption caused by heavy metal.
机译:据报道,水生生态系统中重金属的存在会引起水生生物的问题。有可能被沉积物中重金属污染的水生生物之一是大型动物。本文旨在描述沉积物中重金属污染对透镜状生态系统(小湖泊和水库)中大型动物的结构的影响。这项研究于2009年6月至2011年9月在西爪哇省和雅加达省的一些小湖泊和水库中进行。通过使用Ekman抓斗收集大型动物。结果表明,相关系数较低,砷对大型动物的污染程度较高。铅和镉对多样性指数影响的贡献相对较小。巨鳞翅目鞘翅目(Simsonia sp。),水ches(Placobdella sp。),Chironomid幼虫(Ablabesmyia sp。)和(Tanytarsus sp。)的存在相对可耐受沉积物中高污染砷,低pH和低温度的条件。在这项研究中使用多样性指数相对敏感,以反映由重金属引起的破坏。



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